Tim van Vliet
Full-Stack Developer

Welcome to my website! I'm Tim van Vliet, a developer at the start of my career. After obtaining my BA in Chinese Studies and MA in Asian Studies at Leiden University, I decided to join a developer bootcamp program at the New York Code + Design Academy. During this intensive bootcamp, I've had the opportunity to familiarize myself with HTML, CSS, Javascript, PostgreSQL, Node.js, Express, Phaser.js etc. Some projects I worked on during my bootcamp are shown below, but expect more projects to be showcased here soon.
Please contact me through LinkedIn to get in touch or check out my projects on GitHub.


Phaser.js game: Megaman-style shooter

This Megaman-style shooting game was my final project for my coding bootcamp. The game is made using Phaser.js, an HTML5 game framework and runs on a Node.js server. Check out this project on GitHub here.

Pac-dude Webshop

This Pacman inspired webshop was created for a group project during my coding bootcamp. In making this webshop we used Node.js, Express, Pug, PostgreSQL and implemented a Paypal API for processing payments. Check out this project on GitHub here.